By participating in the Auto Credit program, you will be moving your company in a direction of growth, greater prosperity, and more successful loans. This easy-to-remember number makes the statement, " AUTO CREDIT," we are the company to help you complete your loan application."
- Vanity number with Vanity-PRO Customer Service
Web-PRO™: www.1888autocredit.com
- Banner with text-ad placement and link
- Immediate delivery of exclusive internet leads collected from your matching websites
Ad-PRO™: 3- TV and Radio ads customized for you
Lead-PRO™: Loan Application Retrieval System- retrieves and catalogues your leads
Track-PRO™: Real-Time internet Ad Tracking System - know your ROI
Record-PRO™: Fast-Track and Target Train your Sales Staff
Optional Services available at very reasonable prices:
- Geo-PRO™: Multi-Location Automated Call and Lead Distribution
- Loan-PRO™: Automated after-hours Loan Application System
- Loan-PRO PLUS™: Live-Operator after hours Loan Application Service
The 1-888-AUTO CREDIT program offers a powerful statement of agreement and success between the lender and the borrower. The words Auto Credit makes the statement that what you hear next is going to work. Auto Credit, with us you will succeed with your loan.